Important: When you complete the online donation form, be sure to include your mailing address so we can mail you a charitable donation receipt.
Thanks for giving! Your gift inspires us and inspires others.
Where Does the Money Go?
Giving to the general church fund goes to meeting the “day-to-day” organizational needs. It includes things like kids, youth, men’s, and women’s ministries, benevolence, building maintenance, utilities, salaries, Summer Celebration, and much more.
Our LEGACY 50 GIVING CAMPAIGN is an opportunity to invest in the vision for our Next Generation.
REACH donations help our 12 missionaries make a far-reaching impact in our world, not only in our immediate community of Guelph, but beyond the borders of Canada.
The ELORA ROAD CHRISTIAN SCHOOL’S mission is to “educate, equip, and empower” so that each of our students will reach their God-given potential.
In Fall 2019, we will open the ELORA HOUSE... a safe haven for survivors of human trafficking.
In January 2019, we participated in planting a new church in the Kitchener-Waterloo area: NEW LIFE FELLOWSHIP! Visit their website to make a financial donation.
*Should a donor choose to restrict a contribution for use in a specific ERCF-approved ministry, ERCF will honour that restriction, with the understanding that when the program is completed or cannot be completed for any reason as determined by the organization, the remaining restricted contributions will be used where most needed.