Elora Road Kids
From infants to 5th graders, there’s something for every kid at ERCF.
Elora Road Kids
From infants to 5th graders, there’s something for every kid at ERCF.
First Steps
(Infant - Junior Kindergarten)
First Look is a time and space for infants, toddlers, and preschoolers through Junior Kindergarten to play in a safe environment under the supervision of our screened volunteers, during the service.
The First Look rooms are located to the right of the registration desk, just off the main lobby. The First Look program is available during the entire service.
Kingdom Kids
(Senior Kindergarten - Grade 5)
Sunday mornings are the BEST mornings at our Kids Church! Children SK to grade 5 join their families in the main service until after worship when they are dismissed to their OWN service, with their OWN leaders, and their OWN teaching that is geared to show them their true identity and the love of God that is FULL of grace!
Sunday morning programs include a Large Group session with music and Bible teaching followed by an interactive session with Small Group leaders.