REACH Missionaries
We would love to introduce you to the missionary families that ERCF has adopted as our own! They are working hard to share the love of Jesus with each person they encounter in the missions they work with.
We prayerfully serve to make far-reaching impact in our world, not just in our immediate community of Guelph but beyond the borders of Canada. Please continue to hold up each of these families in your prayers!
Open Doors Canada
For more than 65 years Open Doors has worked in the world's most oppressive and restrictive countries, strengthening Christians to stand strong in the face of persecution and equipping them to shine Christ's light in these places.
Open Doors empowers persecuted Christians by supplying Bibles and Christian literature, training Christian leaders, facilitating social/economic projects and uniting believers in the West in prayer for Christians, who are the most persecuted religious group in the world and are oppressed in at least 70 countries.
Restricted Country
We have a couple serving in a restricted country. Please pray for them in all they are doing as they share the Gospel.
Joe & Nadine Klinkenberg
We are the Klinkenbergs. Joe, Nadine, Josiah and Ella-Rose. Since 2017, we have been serving in the southern Philippines. Our mission here is to equip pastors to effectively train and disciple their churches. We work hand in hand with them through Mission of Hope to reach out into their communities. Also we help pastors to plant churches in mountain and tribal areas. We are praying for God's continued guidance and provision in the year of ministry ahead of us.
Jeremy & Christine Feser
After 17 years of serving in East Africa, Jeremy and Christine Feser moved from Kenya to Alberta to help Mission Aviation Fellowship recruit and send out missionaries. Jeremy is the new Director of Recruiting for Mission Aviation Fellowship and will be working to help send out missionaries to the four corners of the earth.
Their kids are now in Montreal, Alberta, and Kenya for school.
As a church, it has been our pleasure to partner with them since the beginning of their ministry, and we are excited for all that God has in store for them in this new season!
Restricted Country
We have a family serving in a restricted country. Please pray for them in all they are doing to share the Gospel and show God’s love.
Bob McNeal
Bob has several programs in operation to meet needs for Bible teaching in East Africa.
He and his wife Paulette, who passed away in 2021, founded the Bukuria Bible College in Southwestern Kenya in 1993. The school continues to train leaders and pastors of several denominations and tribes. Several other local teachers have been raised up to help with the work.
Bob has also implemented the International School of Ministry (ISOM) course in several areas, and taught at Bible Colleges in Kampala and Uganda while caring for orphans and overseeing water well projects.
The Cizej Family
We serve with YWAM Ships to bring medical care & the gospel to isolated communities all over the Pacific. Thousands of islands with no roads, or airstrips - ships are the only way to reach them. Nick leads the communications team helping to recruit doctors, dentists, volunteers & missionaries to bring the hope of Jesus to some of the most isolated communities in the world.
Follow our journey in missions & connect with us at: Cizej.com
Nick & Naomi, Syrus, Aria, Kai, Koa
Sig & Joy Feser
Our ministry name(s) are Pamoja Ministries in Tanzania, and Kahawa Media in Kenya.
Since being refused residence permits, we have moved to Kenya, leaving our base in Tanzania as an active outreach center. From our new location, we will be distributing books and videos in both Tanzania and Kenya. Our ministry supplies non-denominational books and seminars to thousands of church leaders and video-based Sunday school curriculum for tens of thousands of African children. In 2021, besides media production and distribution, we will also be working to develop a ministry center close to Nairobi, Kenya.
Bruce & Patty Bauman
Founders & Directors of YWAM Wylie Texas
YWAM Wylie is a branch of a larger, international organization called Youth with a Mission. Youth with a Mission is dedicated to the mobilization of young people in spreading the gospel to every corner of the earth.
Our local outreach continues to grow as we reach out to families and at-risk youth of our local community. We also continue to develop our overseas work with at-risk children in Southeast Asia, Central Africa, and the Middle East.