Moms & Tots

mom & tots is…

On hold due to Covid restrictions. An open group that meets Mondays from 9:30am-11:00am at ERCF during the school year. It is a vibrant outreach ministry for women and children up to 4 years old. Moms are able to have a short break from their children.  Childcare is provided by our amazing screened volunteers in the gym next to the room we meet.  We enjoy a hot beverage and share our greatest joys, experiences, questions, and frustrations in our journey of motherhood.  It's a safe place for us to be real with each other and build each other up.

Join Us!


Mondays 9:30-11:00am @ ERCF in the Encounter Room

On hold due to Covid restrictions.

Childcare is provided in the gym.  
