5-day Bible reading plan on prayer
Here's a 5-day Bible reading plan and devotional guide based on the sermon, Praying with Confident Boldness
Day 1: Approaching God with Confident Boldness
Reading: Hebrews 4:14-16
Devotional: Today's passage reminds us that we can approach God's throne with confidence. Often, we feel unworthy or inadequate in prayer, but remember - we're not coming to a throne of judgment but a throne of grace. Jesus, our great High Priest, understands our weaknesses and invites us to come boldly. Reflect on times when you've felt hesitant to approach God. How does knowing you're coming to a throne of grace change your perspective? Today, practice approaching God with confident boldness, trusting in His love and acceptance through Christ.
Day 2: The Persistent Prayer
Reading: Luke 11:5-13
Devotional: Jesus teaches us about persistence in prayer through the parable of the friend at midnight. This isn't about wearing God down, but about developing a heart that seeks Him earnestly. God isn't reluctant to answer; He desires to give good gifts to His children. Consider areas in your life where you've given up praying. What would it look like to approach these situations with "shameless audacity"? Today, commit to persistent prayer, trusting in God's goodness and perfect timing.
Day 3: Adopted into God's Family
Reading: Romans 8:14-17
Devotional: Through faith in Christ, we're adopted into God's family. We're not distant servants, but beloved children who can call God "Abba, Father." This intimate relationship transforms how we approach God in prayer. Reflect on your own relationship with your earthly father. How does understanding God as your perfect heavenly Father impact your prayer life? Today, practice addressing God as "Abba" or "Daddy" in your prayers, embracing the closeness He desires with you.
Day 4: The Value of a Soul
Reading: Luke 15:1-7
Devotional: The parable of the lost sheep reveals the immense value God places on each individual. Jesus would have come to earth even if you were the only person who needed saving. This demonstrates the depth of God's love for you personally. How does knowing your infinite worth to God affect your self-perception and your approach to prayer? Today, thank God for His personal love for you, and pray for someone who needs to know their value in God's eyes.
Day 5: Praying in Jesus' Name
Reading: John 14:12-14
Devotional: Jesus instructs us to pray in His name, not as a magic formula, but as a way to align our prayers with His will and purposes. Praying in Jesus' name means approaching God based on Christ's merits, not our own. It also means seeking God's glory through our prayers. Reflect on your recent prayers - have they been focused on God's glory or primarily on your own desires? Today, practice consciously praying "in Jesus' name," considering how each request aligns with His character and purposes.